Good evening! I have just returned from home having had a good visit with my family, some of whom I do not get to see very often. It was very satisfying to be able to catch up on what everyone is doing, and to see how much growing the young children have done. My Mom has informed them about my site, so hello all!
I believe, in my earlier list of all the items I make, that I neglected to mention masks. Here are two of my favourites, a tiger and a peacock. They were commissioned for a fashion show of young Canadian designers last winter. I did about 9 altogether, and hope to do more. I think my favourite part about making them was the obscene amount of glitter and gold paint I was able to use. In a perfect world I might only ever decorate with glitter and gold paint; hey, I might even only wear glitter and gold paint. And if you see me in the street dressed in that way, and pretend you don't see me, I won't take it personally. Glitter and gold paint is not always easy on the eyes.
Congratulations to my little sister on her engagement to a delightful man. I am very happy for the both of you. So happy, in fact, that I have written you a little poem. Enjoy...
Axel and Eddie JP
You met at a school, this is key
He comes from a farm
She's been to a farm
And together forever they'll be.
Ciaociao Kirkhampuppets