
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

New Website and New Name...

Hello! I wanted to let you know that my business will no longer be known as Kirkham Puppets. Instead, all of my work will be collected together, under my new business name:

Run Rabbit Run is a way that I can combine all of the ways I like to work and create, including not only puppets, but illustration and art as well. It is a good way to see the connections between my 2D and 3D work, and it is inspiring for me to see everything all together.

I hope you enjoy the new website! I will be leaving the Kirkham Puppets blog up, with a link on my website, as it contains lots of great puppet pictures, and some of the history of my business as well.

Thank you for reading Kirkham Puppets, I hope that you will enjoy my new blog as well...

Ciao ciao,

